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What is really standing in the way of pure health?

Josh Lamaro
Eminent Member Admin

Your body is constantly moving in the trajectory towards radiant health.

It does not attack itself, nor does it produce symptoms whos only purpose is to harm you. This is a common misconception.

Why do you believe a fever manifests? Or an increase in the production of mucus?

Why does the body hold onto water? Why does it deliver toxins and toxicants that it cannot process and release to fat cells for storage?

Why do fatigue and pain exist?

Protection and elimination.

If you have been experiencing chronic dis-ease, you must ask yourself what is blocking radiant health.
Your body is moving towards this every second of every day.

Are your cells being sent messages of survival or safety?

Are you trapped in a survival response due to trauma? Do you feel safe?

How is your home environment? Has the air quality been assessed?  Are you adhering to Nature’s 8 Laws, the essential foundations of health?

Clean Air
Clean Water
Sunshine & Earthing
Rest, Sleep & Stress management
Movement As Medicine
Trust, Faith & Community

Have you assessed your toxic load?

The most common blocks?

Trauma (leading to nervous system dysregulation and limbic system disorders)
Toxicity (including from poor diet, drugs, environmental toxins including but not limited to blue light, EMFs and mould)
Deficiency (usually as a result of toxicity and stress, poor intake)
Stress (physiological and psychological)
And "Infections" secondary to these, because microbes and parasites are the garbage collectors and only thrive on waste and a system weakened by stress hormones.

A reminder to remember your body is a miracle and it does not EVER betray you!

I personally know how frustrating it can feel when healing feels impossible and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but trust when I say there is ALWAYS a reason for this.

Do you know what is standing between where you are right now and radiant health?

Topic starter Posted : 23/03/2022 2:23 am
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